Individual Therapy

Bravery is the ability to look fear and hurt in the face and say move aside, you are in the way.” — Melissa Tumino

Sometimes, you can’t go it alone.

We long for connection and fulfilling relationships with others. We aren’t meant to do life in isolation, especially when we are hurting, scared, or unsure of what next step to take.

No matter how big or small your struggle feels, it’s okay to reach out for help. Everyone needs help now and then.

Human connection in a safe, non-judgmental place…

I offer therapy for adults of all ages. Common issues I help with include self-esteem issues, relationship issues, anxiety, depression, life dissatisfaction, and fear of change.

By examining what’s at the root of these issues, together, we can determine how to address them. If you are fearful, we will look for what emotion and/or experience is driving that fear.

If you’re bored with life, we will figure out what “lights you up.” If you want more fulfilling relationships, we will look at your present relationships and determine what is and isn’t working within those relationships.

If your boundaries with others could use some strengthening, we will come up with ways to help you strengthen those boundaries and have more self-confidence.

Suffering from anxiety? We will examine your core beliefs and find ways to give you more peace and calm in your life.

What does individual therapy look like?

Wanting more… and getting it.

*Brittany had severe social anxiety as a result of childhood trauma, abuse, and neglect. She was barely able to leave the house for even short periods of time.

She had a loving husband and three beautiful children. Still, she wanted more. She wanted to be able to pick up the kids from school, go to the gym by herself, or stop by the grocery store… without experiencing debilitating anxiety and panic attacks.

Brittany finally had enough and made a therapy appointment.

At our first session, Brittany looked at her feet for most of the session and spoke in a very quiet voice while tightly clutching a pillow. She slowly told her painful story. As Brittany began to feel safer and more comfortable, she began to open up and allow her fear, anger, and grief to emerge. She started to feel stronger. She reported being able to go out more often without experiencing overwhelming anxiety.

Through a combination of talk therapy, guided imagery, deep relaxation, and visualization, Brittany was able to connect with her “inner child” and heal her wounds. She developed empathy and love for herself while creating boundaries with others.

At the end of our time together, Brittany boarded a plane, alone, to travel to another country to visit family. Something she never would have dreamed of six months before.

Healing old wounds…

*Katy was having difficulties in her relationship with her boyfriend. She knew things between them were not good, but she didn’t know what to do. Just before seeking help, her boyfriend ended the relationship… she was devastated.

During our first few sessions together, Katy mostly cried and apologized for being a “burden.” As we continued to meet, Katy became less and less tearful and developed a closer connection with her authentic self. We challenged her belief system and addressed her “inner critic.”

Katy started doing the things she loved to do before the relationship with her ex-boyfriend and started spending time with her girlfriends again. She became more confident at work and began to think about what she wanted for her future. She decided she needed a big change and set the wheels in motion.

Katy has gained confidence, has restored her curiosity of life, and has embarked on a new adventure with a move to another state and a new job.

*Not an actual client, but a compilation.

Call me and start the healing process.

I want you to feel comfortable and safe with me, so I’m glad to offer you a free 20-minute phone consultation before you book your first session. When we talk, ask yourself if you feel that I “get” you… then decide if you want to move forward.

If you do, we’ll explore and identify your strengths… and how to implement them in a way that reduces the influence of the problems you are facing.

Life is meant to be enjoyed! Let me help bring you closer to the fulfillment you want. Call today: (909) 263-1535.